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Very pleased with the entire process of handling my claim. Service was courteous, prompt, efficient, and compensation for my out of pocket expense was very fair.

Mar 29 2020

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Once the claim got from Amazon to ARC everything went very smoothly.... Getting thru the Amazon layers to get it to ARC was not very smooth.

Mar 25 2020

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Hats off to Amazon. Turned an unpleasant experience into something quite refreshing with their quick action. Rare in today's society and such a welcome pleasure!

Mar 25 2020

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Was very pleased with everyone that was involved. From my initial contact with a Amazon online to this last email i received.

Mar 24 2020

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I was pleasantly surprised as to how responsive your team contacted me. Every person I spoke with were friendly and informative ,even the driver who accidentally backed into my son’s truck.

Mar 24 2020

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Nicole Goss was very professional and accommodating. I am impressed with the speed at which my concern was addressed by all parties associated with Amazon!

Mar 24 2020

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I Initially had difficulty contacting Amazon but once ARC got the case everything went very smoothly.

Mar 24 2020

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Not totally happy, but I think the representative did the best she could in the circumstances. My disappointment is with Amazon, not this process.

Mar 24 2020

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Thank you for your kindness and courtesy in this matter. I hope that the drivers will read the delivery comments for future deliveries so we don't have to go through this again. This is our second claim - we've had other incidents with drivers on the grass that were minor and we did not file claims. Thank you.

Mar 24 2020

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This was quick and easy. No hassles, no lengthy forms. Thank you!

Mar 24 2020