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The customer service and prompt resolution to my claim was great. The only issue was my claim was for $505.13 CAD. I recieved a payment of $372.92 USD. With exchange on the dollar I only recieved $482.78 CAD. So technically my full claim was not issued.

Nov 18 2022

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The prompt response to claim presented, the prompt resolution and the prompt payment was an experience rarely seen in todays world. Much appreciated, Thanks!

Nov 17 2022

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It was difficult to get to the correct place. If I was not a prime member and this occured I don't know how I would have resolved the situation and since this all occurred on my property when a package was misdelivered it could have been possible I was not an Amazon customer. It would have been nice if someone had noted that this never should have happened instead of being in a position of proving that it did happen.

Nov 17 2022

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Very timely responses and remediations. Thank you for great service

Nov 17 2022

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quick and easy process. Thank you.

Nov 17 2022

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The response was handled very professionally

Nov 17 2022

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Resolving this unpleasant and unfortunate situation was very quick. I was treated with the utmost respect. Thank you.

Nov 16 2022

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Thanks for great customer service.

Nov 16 2022

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My claim was never investigated. The driver of the Amazon van was clearly in the wrong and caused damage to my property. I was able to give clear documentation of the damage to my property. When I received the email from you that there was no evidence to support my claim I was astonished. Anyone who has ever done any type of investigation knows both parties need to be interviewed and the vehicle that was a fault should have been looked at. I have no doubt there was damage to the Amazon van. So basically, you pay me some money and the driver gets away with driving like an idiot. I have no way of knowing if the $200 will repair my driveway. I'm sure it won't. I should have had a chance to get an estimate for repair.

Nov 15 2022

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The claim only cover 65% of the estimated damage from a landscaping professional. It became about settling the claim and money in your end, but I am still left with damaged property and shortfall. Also, there was no feedback loop about whether the driver was called out for not reporting this incident. Three of our yards were impacted and we were left with no explanation about the event.

Nov 15 2022