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    Very satisfied

    Dec 20 2020
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    Handled well. Was pleased. Didn't make me jump through any hoops and were professional and relatively speedy. The first chat representative didn't exactly understand my issue though. Maybe some more training for the employees that handle customer service chat forum.

    Dec 20 2020
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    Haven’t received the payment yet, but assume that I will and feel the claim was handled professionally!

    Dec 20 2020
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    Thank you, Amazon for making good on our claim. As always, Amazon ROCKS!

    Dec 20 2020
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    I prefer to interact with a real person rather than deal with everything through email and online. It is very sad to me that this is where we are as a society. We do appreciate that the damage done to our property by an Amazon driver was addressed and compensated for. Thank you..

    Dec 20 2020
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    Thank you so much. Everyone was so helpful and nice.

    Dec 20 2020
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    I got partial payment of my claim with no explanation why I did not get the full amount submitted

    Dec 19 2020
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    Your checks do not mobile deposit and I am not close to a bank branch. You may think they mobile deposit but they are not recognized by the bank camera because they don’t look like a normal check. It’s annoying. Just send a normal check by mail.

    Dec 19 2020
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    Very pleasant interaction with ARC personnel.

    Dec 19 2020
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    Your company should serve as a model on how to run a company. As a retired 40 year public school principal I was impressed by your response from beginning to end! Thank You

    Dec 19 2020
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    This claim took a little longer to resolve than the previous one in September.

    Dec 19 2020
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    Supervisor Scott was very nice and helpful handling my claim

    Dec 19 2020
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    Thank you

    Dec 19 2020
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    Christine Steele was great. I would have preferred not to have the damage to my property but Christine did a really nice job resolving the issue.

    Dec 19 2020
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    Other than having trouble trying to get the initial claim form to allow me to upload pictures, I had a great experience. Thank you for being so prompt.

    Dec 19 2020
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    You were awesome. Thank you for the ease of settling this claim.

    Dec 18 2020
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    My biggest complaint is I had to initiate all the follow up calls.

    Dec 18 2020
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    Very efficient communications and commend Gina and Denise, my first contact

    Dec 18 2020
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    Thank you.

    Dec 18 2020
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    My reason for filing this claim, beyond the minor damage done to our yard, was to help to instill a better sense of professionalism in the driver who decided it was okay to execute a U turn in our yard. I hope that was achieved as well, but the monetary settlement was more than fair an my communication with Mariella was pleasant and efficient. Thank you.

    Dec 18 2020