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    Thank you for replace the damage done to my property.

    Jan 13 2021
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    Jan 13 2021
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    It was a good experience and easy to work with but I had to follow up for 2 months to get an answer. I was initially told to allow 10 days!

    Jan 13 2021
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    I had some issues getting the form to load (my firewall didn't like it), and I thought the claim took too long without any communication, but I'm satisfied with the result and payment. Overall I'm satisfied with the speed, but I feel like it was too long between communications. More frequent communication or a more specific communication as to how long the process would take in the first place would likely solve these issues.

    Jan 13 2021
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    It was good process.

    Jan 13 2021
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    I appreciate the way Amazon handled the claim. I felt they did a thorough review and was professional all the way.

    Jan 13 2021
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    I sent one e-mail and called two times leaving messages requesting my claim handler call me but received no response. Maybe the holidays affected the situation. On 7 Jan. I called again and spoke to Nicole. She was not my claim handler but she informed me of the status of my claim. She then told me that she would submit my claim for approval. On 9 Jan. I received a message that my claim had been approved. Thank you Nicole!

    Jan 11 2021
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    Very simple process, great communication, full compensation for loss. Thanks Amazon.

    Jan 10 2021
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    This was the best customer service experience I have had in a very long time. Thank you so much for your help.

    Jan 10 2021
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    this went amazingly well! Thank you!

    Jan 09 2021
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    The people who helped me were very understanding and professional. They were kind and assured me from the very first contact that they would help me

    Jan 09 2021
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    I have yet to receive my check. It’s almost been a month.

    Jan 09 2021
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    Thanks for the quick and efficient processing of my claim

    Jan 08 2021
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    While I wish I didn’t have to file a claim at all I have to say the supervisors and everyone we spoke with were very helpful and we appreciate the outcome.

    Jan 07 2021
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    Very fast and efficient as it should be

    Jan 07 2021
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    I didn't get much assistance from the adjuster I was working with. I sent my photos and video through the initial form. Then she acted like she didn't have any of that. I ended up sending it via several different methods. Kept asking for a file format and method. The she asked could I text it to her. It got weird. So I finally got some answers from someone when I opened a chat on the website. She told me they didn't have the pics or the video. I didn't know they didn't have the pics until then. The entire things was weird. After emailing it, putting it on dropbox and google drive and sharing it by link, l tried Youtube. That was the method that worked with video. It took a week for this to happen. I should have been told in the beginning to send it via Youtube! As soon as that happened, everything went very quickly. Just need to educate the people working with the computer end. I kept asking to speak to a tech. That didn't happen.

    Jan 07 2021
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    Thank you for your professionalism and for promptly addressing my claim.

    Jan 06 2021
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    My claim agent Christine Steele was, Courteous and Professional in every respect.

    Jan 06 2021
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    In the initial contact with Amazon, I was told to expect resolution of this claim within 5 days, Today's resolution email came on the 15th day following the initial contact on 12-22-2000.

    Jan 06 2021
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    Communication was slow.

    Jan 05 2021