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    Thank you.

    Feb 03 2020
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    Thank you!

    Feb 03 2020
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    It was pleasant to be able to resolve this without any other major issues. My only complaint would be Amazon using Independent "drivers" to deliver prime packages.

    Feb 03 2020
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    I would have simply let this issue go as a simple mistake had the delivery driver made any attempt to clean up the mess in any fashion. They used no respect considering THEY damaged my property not me.

    Feb 03 2020
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    The claim representative was very efficient and settled the claim in a timely manner.

    Feb 03 2020
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    Thank you thank you for making everything right and doing so so quickly!

    Feb 03 2020
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    ARC was fine. But please -- please -- do something about Amazon's drivers.

    Feb 03 2020
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    Frank Evans was very polite and efficient!

    Feb 03 2020
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    Quick and courteous response and resolution

    Feb 03 2020
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    Hoping that I don't have to file another claim. Because of inattentive drivers.

    Feb 03 2020
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    The initial woman I spoke with was very insensitive and made rude comments when I said my wife cried over the damage done to our property. This was uncalled for, unprofessional, and deeply inconsiderate. Claim #AMZ201938679

    Feb 03 2020
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    I have not yet received mailing, but I am thankful that everyone was very helpful to resolve the issue at hand .

    Jan 16 2020
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    Thanks Very helpful with my problem. Wish the drivers were anywhere close to being like the ones I talked to.

    Jan 16 2020
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    I was given an offer of settlement which I accepted via email but then never heard back from the agent despite follow up emails asking for a status. I finally called and spoke to a different agent who confirmed that I had accepted the settlement and sent it on to have payment processed. That call took place 12/11/2019. I didn't receive payment until a month later on 1/16/20 - not sure if the delay was caused by the Christmas holiday. Anyway, I was more frustrated with the fact that my initial agent just ghosted me completely! Her name was Ashlee Grayson.

    Jan 16 2020
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    An Amazon driver ran over a solar lawn light and turfed the lawn. This happened on 2 separate occasions. Once on 12/5 and once on 12/19. I sent 4 followup emails asking about if the claim was approved and received no response. I received both payments at the same time on 1/9/20. Maybe it was the holidays? Overall, mostly satisfied.

    Jan 12 2020
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    Very easy process

    Jan 12 2020
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    I received Slow response to questions that were emailed. The last questions is sent have still not been answered.

    Jan 11 2020
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    Very satisfied

    Jan 10 2020
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    My claim has not been compensated for yet, so therefore it is NOT resolved

    Jan 04 2020
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    Everyone I spoke with and delt with was very nice and respectful.

    Jan 04 2020