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    We were treated fairly. No complaints.

    Apr 25 2024
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    Great job from beginning to end. Quickly and efficiently resolved

    Apr 25 2024
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    Thanks for the quick service

    Apr 25 2024
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    I am very pleasantly surprised at the speed and organization of the process. I hope I never have to have a claim again but if it’s handled the way this one was, I’ll be very happy.

    Apr 25 2024
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    Amazingly fast

    Apr 24 2024
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    Efficient and easy process throughout. Very professional.

    Apr 24 2024
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    Very understanding and proactive in all matters. Thank you ARC for making this experience painless.

    Apr 24 2024
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    Having to make a claim wasn't ideal, however you claims department acted fair and quick to resolve my issue. Thank you!

    Apr 24 2024
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    We were extremely pleased with the interactions with ARC to resolve our claim, and we were especially happy that the driver reported the problem before we did. Please thank the driver for us. It was an accident that his truck hit our gutter and we really appreciate his help reporting the problem right away.

    Apr 24 2024
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    email correspondence was very vague, and first email didn't contain the attachment which led to confusion. Overall pleased and thank you for taking accountability.

    Apr 24 2024
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    Thank you very muvh again

    Apr 24 2024
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    Thank you!

    Apr 24 2024
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    In this day and age you are professional and solved our problem quickly 5 stars for you

    Apr 24 2024
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    Great service! Thank you!

    Apr 24 2024
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    I cannot believe how quickly this claim was settled. The communication was stellar. Please train other delivery/service claims divisions how to operate as efficiently as you do. You made my job very easy. Thank you!

    Apr 23 2024
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    Great customer care and service

    Apr 23 2024
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    The process of resolving my claim was quick and easy

    Apr 23 2024
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    Satisfied thank you

    Apr 23 2024
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    Very efficient

    Apr 23 2024
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    I was pleasantly surprised with how fast and easily this issue was resolved. very satisfied and appreciate it

    Apr 23 2024