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    Extremely happy with how this claim was handled so quickly. Much appreciated

    Feb 06 2024
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    Feb 06 2024
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    Easy to resolve once a competent Amazon support rep created the claim #. Thank you.

    Feb 06 2024
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    We had a claim due to an Amazon driver hitting our building. The only thing that would have made this easier is if the driver or vehicle owner knew how the claims process works at the time of the accident. Thank you

    Feb 06 2024
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    Thanks for making it easy.

    Feb 06 2024
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    Thank you

    Feb 06 2024
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    If only there was a way to link the claim to the driver causing the claim. If only..... This is a 10 foot wide concrete driveway. And yet the drivers cannot seem to remain on the concrete, cutting thru the grass when other drivers seem to be able to negotiate it with ease. As for claim handling...it's fine except you grossly undervalue the costs to have remediation completed. Costs are thru the roof but you still act as tho it's 1990.....

    Feb 06 2024
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    Amazon is a great company..My issue was resolved promptly!

    Feb 06 2024
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    I am impressed with the professional and courteous service. Most of it all it was a pleasant and hassle-free resolution of an issue. Most of the time there are attempts to put road blocks or delay tactics used. The reponse was prompt and great cutomer service/response.

    Feb 06 2024
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    Thank you for settling this claim promptly. While we are not happy that our garage was damaged (and that the driver didn’t knock on the door to tell us), we are grateful that our claim as handled in an efficient and prompt manner.

    Feb 05 2024
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    I uploaded pictures to the form in several spots and apparently they were never sent. Maybe user error, but I followed the prompts and waited for it to load. I would check on the initial intake form that you have customers fill out. Other than that, this was an easy process. Sorry it happened, but no issues for me.

    Feb 05 2024
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    Thank you for your quick resolution to this issue

    Feb 05 2024
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    Smooth process and good communication

    Feb 05 2024
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    Exceptional responses. Thanks so much

    Feb 05 2024
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    Even though our landscaper gave us a larger estimate, we were happy this was resolved in a timely manner. Thank you

    Feb 04 2024
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    Thank you for helping to resolve this issue.

    Feb 03 2024
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    The claims adjuster was very professional and kind.

    Feb 03 2024
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    I think the estimate may be a little bit low, I fear there’s more hidden damage they will find once they start fixing it, I had wished there would’ve been an adjuster with experience from your company

    Feb 03 2024
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    I would just suggest that after confirming the amount we settled on someone should have sent me an email letting me know that I would be receiving a check with in so many business days. I was waiting til the 2 week period and if I didn’t hear anything I was going to contact my rep and ask where we stood on the claim. I believe it was in a Friday or Saturday (almost the 2 week period) the check was in the mail. I did appreciate that it was taken care of, but I was the one who had to jump through hoops to get it taken care of. I would have really appreciated if the driver would have stepped up. I know this was not done on purpose and perhaps he didn’t see the mailbox because it was dark. I don’t know if they get “marks” or “strikes” against them when something like this happens, but if that’s the case maybe that is why they don’t “own up” to a mishap on their part. You might even want to consider some kind of reward system or not count certain accidents for being honest.

    Feb 03 2024
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    There wasn't a clear differentiation between an auto and a property claim form until part way through completing the form. The form I was completing then reset when I realized it was the wrong form, That meant I had to start over from the beginning. The first item should be the selection of auto or property. Then the remaining required information should be requested.

    Feb 03 2024