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    Professional, fair and timely claims process.

    Aug 26 2023
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    I had no problems at all with the claim . They were very helpful

    Aug 26 2023
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    The ARC was very helpful throughout the whole claim process. I completed the easy to follow claims form online. Within a half hour, my claim was processed, reviewed, and a settlement amount was offered. I agreed with e the settlement. Shortly thereafter, I received an e-check as promised.

    Aug 25 2023
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    Monika was corresponding with me and kept reminding me to fill out the claim form. When I did this, they made an offer of $100. I told them that I felt it one or $200 of my time into straightening and leveling the mailbox after it was pushed over. we finally agreed on $120. I think ARC handle the claim as well as can be expected. I got my check today in the mail 8/25/23. Thank you

    Aug 25 2023
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    The people that handled the claim were very kind.

    Aug 25 2023
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    Great customer response and a quick decision moving forward Resolve the issue.

    Aug 25 2023
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    I am very pleased at how Amazon handled our claim on our vehicle that was hit in our driveway. Thank you for all your help in this matter.

    Aug 25 2023
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    BUT, it was almost impossible to find your contact number! Put it on the box!

    Aug 25 2023
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    Professional and courteous

    Aug 25 2023
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    Fast and efficient!

    Aug 25 2023
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    Well done on handling this claim. Never would I have thought it was handles so quickly and efficiently.

    Aug 25 2023
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    It was an amazing and efficient process. A real benchmark for other industries.

    Aug 25 2023
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    I felt that the amount should have been more but did not want to get an attorney involved and have to pay him

    Aug 25 2023
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    I gave strong ratings for my interaction with the computer and your company. I will hold my final opinion until after I receive payment. 2 weeks for payment seems. too long.

    Aug 25 2023
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    Great Customer Service! did what they asked and it was simple and easy. I was not sure when I received an email from them because I never filed a claim I just put on the review what happened and the reached out to me so at first I thought it was a spam email but after receiving a few stating the same thing and it not going to my junk mail I opened it and started the process after doing some research to see who and if they were real. Thank you for attention to this and handling it so well.

    Aug 25 2023
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    My primary goal and concern was how the delivery driver simply drove across the lawn without regard for safety nor regard for my property. I was NOT looking for reimbursement, just knowledge the driver was reprimanded. Instead, I received confirmation I’d be paid for the insignificant damage done to my lawn. I intentionally put a very small amount, to make sure my request would be validated. Instead, I’ll put the money into my lawn for the next time this driver decides to repeat his/her actions. Thank you!

    Aug 25 2023
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    My claim was handled promptly and professionally. Very satisfied with the claims experience.

    Aug 25 2023
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    Prompt, efficient, competent, and fair. No complaints.

    Aug 24 2023
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    Appreciate the expeditious timeliness. Thank you.

    Aug 24 2023
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    The damage to my property will likely exceed $1200. I live in a area where having the necessary repair done to the irrigation system, landscape, and stonemasonry will cost more than in most places. ARC did not take this into consideration and lowballed me with $500 initially and then $600. I agree that ARC moved quickly but at the end of the day it is about restoring the damage not about lowballing the injured party and telling them to take it or leave it.

    Aug 24 2023