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    Initially, I had to submit all information to Amazon, and then again to Amazon, and finally, an email with information about ARC came and requested the same information. Once I submitted the same information to ARC, things started moving. I followed the instructions to get an estimate, and the issue was resolved. Much appreciated.

    Aug 04 2023
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    I appreciated the way the issue with my mailbox was handled and resolved in a timely manner. Thank you so much!

    Aug 04 2023
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    My only complaint that I was on hold for over a half hour with amazon before they finally initiates the process.

    Aug 04 2023
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    Quick and professional service

    Aug 04 2023
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    We received money from Amazon for damage done to our property, as the delivery truck hit a 400lb boulder at the end of our driveway, pushing it out into the street, along with the grass under the boulder. This isn't the first time this has happened. We've only reported a few of the incidents. I just wish that when things like this happen, that the drivers should report the incident to Amazon, or make an attempt to let the owner's of the property know what happened, rather than to simply drive off. We paid a whole lot more for the repair, than the amount that we received. It's sad that no one is willing to take responsibility for their actions.

    Aug 03 2023
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    Top notch

    Aug 03 2023
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    I attempted to contact Amazon multiple times, once I was finally pushed through to a nice gentleman who gave me the information for ARC and made it possible to get this damage replaced. I am overly thankful and appreciative. Thank you.

    Aug 03 2023
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    Fair and proper handling of an unpleasant situation

    Aug 03 2023
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    I was impressed how the claims management take cared of my case. I happy that were able to resolve in such short periods of time. Thank you to all of you!!

    Aug 03 2023
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    The total disregard for my property is what really concerned me besides ruining the beautiful archway the trees made in my driveway. The claim said it was for cleanup, not any of my concerns.

    Aug 02 2023
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    This was a pleasant and efficient experience. It turned a bad situation into one that could be fixed. The custome service was excellent.

    Aug 02 2023
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    But i still do not have my email with my echeck yet , i'm sure it's coming though, thank you so much!!

    Aug 02 2023
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    outstanding service

    Aug 02 2023
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    ARC worked around my schedule and availability, and I greatly appreciate their patience throughout this process.

    Aug 02 2023
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    I appreciate your assistance with this request. I hope you were able to find the driver and let him know that was really unprofessional of him. Is there any way that you could put in your system that we have a delivery entrance in the back of this community on Rt 520/ that they can utilize without using our gate?

    Aug 02 2023
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    Thank you ARC. this experience was very positive. When I didn't receive my check I phoned my ARC claim manager and she quickly resolved the issue. Thank you again.

    Aug 02 2023
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    Very smooth process with no hiccups. I had a small complaint and was reimbursed promptly for a broken piece of equipment cause accidentally by a driver. Thank you.

    Aug 02 2023
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    Resolved very quickly with out any problems. Thank you.

    Aug 02 2023
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    Thanks to everyone for all your help. Mike Sewald

    Aug 02 2023
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    Deb Wentzel was very professional and courteous. Commuinication/interaction was clear, specific, and timely. Thank you for making the process as pleasant as possible.

    Aug 01 2023