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    Initial process getting to the right people to file the claim was slow -- but after the claim was registered, the process was very easy and fast.

    Apr 21 2021
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    You asked for an online signature for the claim but did not provide a method to give one.

    Apr 21 2021
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    Thank you. I was sure I was in for a fight! Pleasantly surprised!

    Apr 21 2021
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    The process of this claim was simple and easy thank you very much for your cooperation

    Apr 20 2021
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    I was unable to deposit my check with online banking so had to go to bank. Other than that it was fast and efficient. Thanks

    Apr 20 2021
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    Very pleased with how this went thank you!

    Apr 20 2021
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    Thanks for the quick resolution

    Apr 20 2021
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    I was very pleased with how it was handled. The process was headache free which is absolutely lovely because everybody tries to make everything too complicated because they want you to give up and not get satisfaction. Thank you

    Apr 20 2021
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    I submitted all claims documents, photos etc. The initial offer from ARC was 10 % of the final estimate of the damage. After having to resubmit claims documents my claim was finally resolved.

    Apr 20 2021
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    Pleasant experience. Thank you.

    Apr 20 2021
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    My adjuster was both informative and fair. I was paid promptly and professionally. I had no issues with my claim, adjuster, final decision and payment process.

    Apr 20 2021
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    Good job. Although the emails you send look a little scammy and i actuakly had to confirm with amazon before i got a check bexause it felt phishy

    Apr 20 2021
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    I had to call several times because my email address was wrong. It took three weeks for it to be fully resolved. It was a communication problem. But As soon as they received correct email address, then the process quickly happened.

    Apr 20 2021
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    When filing the initial claim it was not made clear to me that a third party witness was mandatory.

    Apr 20 2021
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    Special thanks to Abbie Kellner for prompt replys to questions and her efforts to keep the ball rolling.

    Apr 19 2021
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    Re: Number 1.....very efficient. Not so pleasant. Easy to to out the check.

    Apr 19 2021
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    Driver was respectful, apologized, and stayed until issue was properly documented.

    Apr 19 2021
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    Adrian Archer was exceptionally good to me.

    Apr 19 2021
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    I was very impressed at how easy and efficient they made it for me. Thank you so much.

    Apr 19 2021
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    I expected a little more, but settled was fair

    Apr 17 2021