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    They were very polite and helpful with my issues and resolved it. I am very happy with the service that I received.

    Jun 15 2021
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    The initial interaction was confusing, but after that is was an easy process to navigate and was quick as well.

    Jun 15 2021
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    It took exactly a week to resolve my claim, assuming the check arrives today.

    Jun 15 2021
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    Thank you for approving my claim in a timely matter

    Jun 15 2021
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    I was very satisfied with how quickly my claim was resolved. I did ask if anyone contacted the driver of the delivery truck to ask him/her how the truck ended up off our driveway and into our yard. I have not had a reply to that question.

    Jun 13 2021
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    My interaction with Amazon was online initially and then by phone. The claims person was very professional and handled my claim quickly and efficiently. I am very satisfied.

    Jun 12 2021
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    Just 2 things - The claim form did not REQUIRE photos, but it turns out they ARE required. Also, the initial reply was denied due to "no proof" and "no witnesses". But after I explained AGAIN that it was the Amazon driver that reported the damage, it was approved. That process was quick but aggravating.

    Jun 11 2021
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    It wasn't until I called 10 days later that I found out the video I sent didn't show the driver damaging my property. I wish someone had reached out to let me know that much earlier. When I spoke with the rep and we figured out what the problem was, the issue was resolved immediately. Thank you.

    Jun 10 2021
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    Thank you. ARC made the best of a bad situation. I appreciate the quick follow-up and response.

    Jun 10 2021
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    It took me several tries to get the required documentation together because I got VERBAL quotes the first time. I had to resubmit the photos a couple of times. Once I was able to collect all my documentation in print form, the case was resolved quickly and to my satisfaction.

    Jun 10 2021
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    Claim approval took many follow-up emails to gain resolve.

    Jun 09 2021
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    Al of the above comments apply. All of the representatives that I spoke with were friendly, courteous and helpful. The claim form was simple and it was easy to add supporting documentation (photos and video). There was plenty of feedback during the process as well. The entire process was simple and was handled quickly. Thank You!

    Jun 09 2021
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    Thank you!

    Jun 09 2021
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    Service was great, fast and easy! Thank you so much!

    Jun 08 2021
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    Adrian was great to work with and very responsive. I am very satisfied with his his handling of my claim.

    Jun 08 2021
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    I'm pleasantly surprised by your prompt and frictionless process. Thanks!

    Jun 08 2021
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    I was never contacted by the lady from ARC who was assigned to my case. I had to make numerous phone calls because I kept getting e-mails every 24 hours that said that someone would contact me within 24 hours. It was a bit of a run around but finally solved. Thank you!

    Jun 08 2021
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    Since submitting the claim, at least 3 more Amazon drivers have driven on the OBVIOUSLY newly seeded lawn. I’ve resorted to putting mulch bags to block them from turning around on my lawn. What can be done about this long-term? It hadn’t been a problem until this month.

    Jun 06 2021
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    Thank you

    Jun 06 2021
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    My claims adjuster was very helpful.

    Jun 05 2021