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    Hats off to Amazon. Turned an unpleasant experience into something quite refreshing with their quick action. Rare in today's society and such a welcome pleasure!

    Mar 25 2020
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    Was very pleased with everyone that was involved. From my initial contact with a Amazon online to this last email i received.

    Mar 24 2020
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    I was pleasantly surprised as to how responsive your team contacted me. Every person I spoke with were friendly and informative ,even the driver who accidentally backed into my son’s truck.

    Mar 24 2020
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    Nicole Goss was very professional and accommodating. I am impressed with the speed at which my concern was addressed by all parties associated with Amazon!

    Mar 24 2020
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    I Initially had difficulty contacting Amazon but once ARC got the case everything went very smoothly.

    Mar 24 2020
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    Not totally happy, but I think the representative did the best she could in the circumstances. My disappointment is with Amazon, not this process.

    Mar 24 2020
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    Thank you for your kindness and courtesy in this matter. I hope that the drivers will read the delivery comments for future deliveries so we don't have to go through this again. This is our second claim - we've had other incidents with drivers on the grass that were minor and we did not file claims. Thank you.

    Mar 24 2020
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    This was quick and easy. No hassles, no lengthy forms. Thank you!

    Mar 24 2020
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    It took a little longer than I anticipated, but my claim was handled fairly. Only problem is I was told a check was cut to me on March 12 and I am still waiting! I paid the bill, so I need your check to replace the money in my bank account.

    Mar 24 2020
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    Excellent response and service!

    Mar 23 2020
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    I thank you for everything and how nice everyone was to me handling this over all!

    Mar 23 2020
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    The sense of urgency and professionalism in which my claim was handled was wonderful.

    Mar 23 2020
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    Outstanding service by all the customer service representatives. The forms were easy to submit, especially for a non techie. Thank you!

    Mar 23 2020
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    Thanks all!!

    Mar 23 2020
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    Very professional and pleasant to work with. I hope that I do not need your services again but I am impressed with the quality and attention to detail.

    Mar 23 2020
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    Great service

    Mar 23 2020
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    One of the best ever "Excellent" claim service process I have ever been a part of. Initial contact was very quick, follow up throughout was excellent, agent was extremely pleasant and professional. This is the best claim experience I've ever had. Keep up the great customer service!!! Kent Taylor, Leland Management

    Mar 23 2020
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    quick and efficient. Thank you!

    Mar 23 2020
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    The claim was handled quickly and satisfactorily.

    Mar 21 2020
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    Thank you!

    Mar 20 2020