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    Claim was handled well and in a timely manner. The incident could easily be avoided by training the drivers to stay on the pavement at all times. Driving off the road and onto my lawn has damaged my irrigation system twice so far.

    Oct 23 2022
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    I am very satisfied with the service i received it was pleasant prompt and fair. Thx again. Jason Jashek

    Oct 23 2022
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    It's been very fast responding and resolving. Thank you.

    Oct 23 2022
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    Thanks you !

    Oct 22 2022
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    Only $50 dollars for soil grass seed and labor? This isn’t 1975 it’s 2022!

    Oct 22 2022
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    Attached pictures and witness info were not saved in claims form when submitted.

    Oct 22 2022
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    Very impressed with promptness of response. Should not be so unusual to receive support and customer service these days but unfortunately, it is. Thank you for your assistance.

    Oct 22 2022
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    Initially, there was some confusion and issue with the process. But, was overall satisfied with the process once the landscaping company was able to finally get to my house and figure the job, then write up the claim. Once that was submitted it took less than 24hrs to process and complete the claim. I was very much satisfied with the turnaround time it took and submit an echeck to me.

    Oct 21 2022
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    Great and fast service ... very pleased thank you ????

    Oct 21 2022
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    Never delt with an email check before...my bank was even unfamiliar with it but we both learned something and settlement was deposited! Truly only problem and was small ????

    Oct 21 2022
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    It took about 2 months from the accident to reach claim resolution. I supposed that seems reasonable to me, but I would have rather had things expedited a bit sooner.

    Oct 21 2022
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    Drivers needed to be respectful of the customers instructions as noted on accounts.

    Oct 21 2022
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    Thank you for understanding the matter / situation at hand.

    Oct 21 2022
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    Thank you

    Oct 21 2022
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    I understand accidents happen. I also understand challenges with such a large number of new employees and even large volume of number of deliveries. My issue and claim was handled quickly and fairly. Thank you so much

    Oct 21 2022
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    Excellent prompt service!

    Oct 20 2022
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    Very pleased. Thank you for your efficient handling of this problem.

    Oct 20 2022
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    Thank you

    Oct 20 2022
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    Everyone was great to work with. I’m just not very good at computer stuff. Only have my phone to work with. Was able to get everything done in my phone which was a big help for me. Appreciate the promptness from everyone I worked with. Really appreciate the thoughtfulness and caring attitude for me and my property. It was very much appreciated.

    Oct 20 2022
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    Thank you for your attention, assistance and prompt resolution with this matter.

    Oct 20 2022