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    Super fast and very easy. Thank you.

    Dec 14 2022
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    The process was easy

    Dec 13 2022
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    i was issued a settlement but three weeks later....nothing and no response to emails sent asking abou the settlement

    Dec 13 2022
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    Thank you for professional handling of this claim.

    Dec 12 2022
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    Thank you for your understanding and assistance in resolving this matter

    Dec 12 2022
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    While the damage claim was handled efficiently, I think the manner in which the damage was done should be addressed to the customers satisfaction. This was the third such incident of this type and the local delivery supervisor should contact the customer as well.

    Dec 12 2022
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    We were surprised at how quickly we received a response and payment!!

    Dec 12 2022
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    Pleasantly surprised at how timely and smooth this process was completed. Was able to print and deposit check. Just waiting to ensure all funds are properly transferred. Thank you. Ken

    Dec 12 2022
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    I can't answer 3 and 4 because I have yet to receive a check. I realize it may take up to 20 days to receive it.

    Dec 12 2022
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    While I was of course upset that we had the issue in the first place, the claims process was very efficient and resolved quickly. As always I am impressed with Amazon and its service, ven when things go wrong!

    Dec 12 2022
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    Nikki Gross did a professional job in moving our claim through the system.

    Dec 12 2022
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    Due to medical reasons, COVID and several operations, I was unable to submit my claim for over a year. However, my claim was examined and resolved in just a few days once I submitted the claim. Amazing customer service!

    Dec 12 2022
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    Thank you!

    Dec 11 2022
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    After being contacted by Amazon after a delivery driver hit my mailbox, I completed the requested forms and submitted a photo of the damage taken after I got home from work. I had to check back to find out status of claim and was informed that without a photo of the delivery truck involved in the damage a claim wouldn’t be able to be processed. I responded to that asking how I’m supposed to submit a photo of the truck when I was at work when it occurred, and secondly why it was even required considering Amazon had contacted me to inform me of the incident in the first place. Incident happened 11/18 and on 12/11 I finally get notification that case is resolved and payment has been issued.

    Dec 11 2022
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    Straightforward process

    Dec 11 2022
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    It was an issue that was quickly resolved. I'm very impressed with the service I received. Thankyou

    Dec 11 2022
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    Thank you for such professional and prompt action and service. Everyone I spoke with was most helpful.

    Dec 10 2022
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    My initial call was not helpful I was given the wrong claim number tied to a different house in another state. Then I had to call multiple numbers to make another claim. When I finally made contact again the claim was handled promptly.

    Dec 10 2022
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    Everyone was very helpful

    Dec 10 2022
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    Thank you for your understanding and customer service support.

    Dec 10 2022