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    Extremely happy with how fast this claim was resolved, All the customer representatives were extremely helpful and all questions were answered. Very satisfied with how this was handled.

    Apr 18 2022
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    When I noticed that the delivery truck backed into the roof of my house then left the scene I filed a police report of the incident the officer needed the name of the delivery company when I requested that information ,I was told that they do not have the name of the delivery company ??? and that I may need to get a Subpoena for that information, the police officer thought that I was kidding especially since it was a hit and run caused by the company that You hired to make my delivery, I’m glad that I witnessed the large box truck exiting my driveway, if I had known that the large bang that I heard was that the truck just it hit my house & was fleeing the scene, I would have immediately had the truck stopped and the driver charged with leaving the scene of an accident, since my claim was settled so quickly it was fortunate for the driver that the investigation didn’t continue at least until he may do it to somebody else thinking that he can get away with it. I was told that the drivers are always trained to be Discrete with their deliveries, They Were Discrete All Right

    Apr 18 2022
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    I spoke with Tamara at Customer Service initially and she was very helpful and pleasant. She got the process started for us. I then spoke with Bethany at ARC to get our claim resolved. She was also very helpful, friendly and efficient. All in all, I was very pleased with the process.

    Apr 18 2022
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    There was a little confusion near the end of the process with some further requests for more photo/video that we were unable to obtain as the Amazon driver that caused the incident had these. That said, as soon as we called the agent that helped over the phone was extremely helpful and able to resolve things quickly so we could receive the funds and start repairs. Thanks!

    Apr 18 2022
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    whole experience was pretty painless

    Apr 18 2022
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    Thank you! I am very satisfied in the way and manner this issue was resolved.

    Apr 17 2022
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    Everyone was knowledgable, efficient and friendly. Thank you

    Apr 16 2022
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    Thank you

    Apr 16 2022
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    Just have not seen echeck...how would it show.

    Apr 16 2022
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    I am not a fan of automated systems, but my overall experience with ARC was great. It was efficient and effective.

    Apr 15 2022
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    I should be compensated more for my Inconvenience being without my car for 4 days due to repairs, such as an offer to pay for a rental car.

    Apr 15 2022
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    Thank you for making this as simple as possible.

    Apr 14 2022
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    initial response to claim submittal was timely and in a courteous manner my only problem with the final reconciliation was the length of time from the supposed issuance / mailing of the paper check. Amazon correspondence stated check was issued/mailed 3/24/2022 via USPS. I did not receive the check until 4/14/2022 (or 22 days after it was supposedly mailed) due to the long period (over 3 weeks) that it took for the check to arrive, I reached out to contact Amazon three times via e-mail to request an update. I never received a reply to any of my three inquiries which were sent which made me think that my correspondences were not being read thus the need to re-send. same. A simple reply to the 1st inquiry stating that the check was issued on date provided and to wait one additional week before contacting Amazon again would have sufficed. I have never waited over 2 weeks for anything sent by USPS, let alone 3 weeks + thank you

    Apr 14 2022
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    My claim was handled in a prompt and professional matter. Thank you.

    Apr 14 2022
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    My claim was handled very well and the communication was above what I expected!

    Apr 13 2022
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    Amazon was very professional and helpful in resolving this issue. They were very fair in resolving the matter. I think you guys were very fair.

    Apr 13 2022
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    I am glad I had pictures of everything. Thanks for the help

    Apr 13 2022
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    Excellent customer service. Very impressed to this point. They have indicated payment has been released today, April 13, 2022. I'm hoping it is completed this satisfactory and I'm not wondering where payment is 2 months from now. Otherwise, great to date.

    Apr 13 2022
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    Apr 13 2022
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    Thank you. It's nice to work with a company that handles their business.

    Apr 12 2022