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    ARC rep quickly sent me the forms and explained what was needed. Promptly settled the damage claim without a hassle. Appreciate their concern and understanding in the matter.

    Jun 25 2020
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    Lars was very helpful ... and Ivana took over with assisting me with the claim once the photos were uploaded. Both were quick and efficient.

    Jun 24 2020
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    My initial interaction was delayed and confusing. However my last interaction was quick and easy. Regards

    Jun 24 2020
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    Very professional organization.

    Jun 24 2020
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    Nicole was amazing!! She is extremely professional and handled our claim with care. We can't say enough how wonderful she was to deal with. Many thanks!

    Jun 24 2020
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    It required extra calls to finally get to claims department.

    Jun 24 2020
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    Thank you for your quick attention to this matter.

    Jun 24 2020
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    Jun 24 2020
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    Was very impressed at the swift manner of resolving the claim. Thank you.

    Jun 24 2020
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    Thank you for resolving this issue quickly and relatively painlessly. I feel appreciated as a customer, and I always remain loyal to companies that make me feel as if I am valued! :)

    Jun 23 2020
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    No issues with ARC. You might suggest to Amazon that they make it easier to be transferred to ARC or the Amazon agent who submitted my information to ARC. I had to explain three different agents over the course of about 30 minutes, that this was not a claim for a damaged Amazon item that was delivered but a traditional property damage claim.

    Jun 22 2020
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    Thank you for quick response! And excellent support from Nicole Goff

    Jun 22 2020
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    The claims process was quick i really appreciate the rapid response to my claim I submitted

    Jun 22 2020
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    I was extremely pleased with the entire process. I just wish the driver had let me know what happened. If I didn't have security cameras I would not have known what had happened to my wall.

    Jun 22 2020
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    GREAT customer service. As you can see in my ratings above, every aspect of this situation was great - from the chat I had with someone in customer service, to actually getting Frank's name on the front end, to this follow up at each step of the way, to the technology that facilitated the process and getting the entire process resolved very efficiently. Frank was friendly, helpful and responsive. GREAT Customer Service.

    Jun 22 2020
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    Although I never utilized a claim form, the claim information was submitted by a combination of phone call and email. I was extremely happy with the determination.

    Jun 19 2020
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    I was offered way less than what it will cost the landscaper to come and fix the damage. I also complained that this was not the first time the damage has happened and didn't hear an apology nor a solution for the future. I am done with Amazon.

    Jun 18 2020
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    Thank you for believing my story. Initially, there was some disbelief that an amazon truck hit my car, however, through witness accounts and an investigation, my claim was handled efficiently.

    Jun 18 2020
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    I’m very pleased on how the claim was handled, I will continue to be a Amazon customer,

    Jun 18 2020
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    Frank Evans was very kind and helpful. Thank you.

    Jun 17 2020